Therapeutic Support NDIS is a support category that improves functional skills, independence, and community participation. These include speech and communication, personal care, mobility, interpersonal interactions, and social connections.
The NDIS provides therapeutic support funding depending on your situation and goals. This blog will discuss the impact of therapeutic support NDIS on quality of life. Also, we will discuss its benefits, types, and NDIS Therapeutic Supports Qualifications.
Duty Of Care In Community Services
As a staff member in disability services, you have a duty of care toward the people receiving your support. This includes clients, residents, volunteers, and other staff. Your duty of care is to protect the person’s health and safety and ensure their well-being. When you breach your duty of care, it can lead to legal action being taken against you.
You should follow your client or participant’s care plan to meet your duty of care responsibilities. This will help to avoid misunderstandings or delays in getting things done.
When supporting clients or residents, you must also take the time to discuss any concerns they may have and ensure that these are addressed promptly.
Your duty of care is to help the person you support to achieve their full potential. This involves helping them to make informed decisions and encouraging them to have a positive mindset.
Benefits Of Therapeutic Supports NDIS
Therapeutic Support NDIS benefits participants and their families by enabling them to increase their independence and participate in daily activities. This includes assistance with personal care, mobility, communication, and interpersonal relationships.
The participant will discuss their needs and goals during the initial consultation with an NDIS-approved therapist. They may also be asked to complete specific assessments and reports about their abilities, progress, and barriers.
Therapy under the NDIS is generally covered as a reasonable and necessary support, which means that a participant should receive funding for these services in their plan if it helps them to reach their goals. The NDIS works out what is reasonable and necessary by considering a participant’s needs, the support they already have, and how these supports can be improved.
Types Of Therapeutic Supports
Therapeutic supports are a standard part of an NDIS plan, funding therapists to help with independence, mobility, and community participation.
In addition to individual and group support, these services can be provided online or in another location.
- Psychotherapy
- Medication
- Support groups
- Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)
- Family therapy
- Art therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Music therapy
- Animal-assisted therapy
Moreover, qualifications for NDIS therapeutic support depend on the specific support type and the relevant professional association. It’s essential to ensure that the provider of therapeutic support has the appropriate qualifications and experience to provide effective and safe services.
Impact Of Therapeutic Supports NDIS
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for therapeutic support to individuals with disabilities in Australia. These supports can significantly impact the quality of life of individuals receiving them by improving their mental health, social connections, and overall well-being.
Here are some specific ways in which therapeutic support under the NDIS can impact the quality of life:
- Improved mental health: Therapeutic supports, such as psychotherapy and medication, can help individuals manage symptoms of mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression, and improve their overall psychological well-being.
- Increased social connections: Support groups and family therapy can help individuals develop a sense of community and connectedness, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness.
- Enhanced coping skills: Cognitive-behavioural and dialectical behaviour therapy can help individuals develop coping strategies to deal with difficult emotions and situations, improving their resilience and overall quality of life.
- Increased independence: Occupational therapy can help individuals develop skills and strategies to perform daily activities independently, such as cooking, cleaning, and using public transportation.
- Improved physical health: Therapeutic supports such as music and animal-assisted therapy can have physical benefits, such as reducing stress and improving relaxation.
How Can Tricare Services Help You?
Overall, NDIS-funded therapeutic support can significantly impact the quality of life of individuals with disabilities by improving their mental health, social connections, coping skills, independence, and physical well-being.
At Tricare services, our dedicated staff can provide support to people whose disabilities and illnesses with extreme care. We strive to offer the best Duty of Care in Community Services and disabilities care services.