Welcome to TriCare

A team of Disability services provider

TriCare Services was established to provide services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme to people with a disability living in and around metropolitan Melbourne. Our management team has over 25 years of experience in the sector and, along with our equally experienced registered nurses and allied health professionals, TriCare Services is well-positioned to get the best outcomes for our clients.

Our staff bring with them a wealth of knowledge and are able to meet the specific needs of all our clients including those from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds.
As an organization, we uphold the true essence of the NDIS.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the new way of providing support for Australians with disability, their families, and carers. As an insurance scheme, the NDIS takes a lifetime approach, investing in people with a disability to improve their outcomes later in life.

Tricare Services|ABOUT

Who We are

TriCare Services was established to provide services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme to people with a disability living in and around metropolitan Melbourne. Our management team has over 25 years of experience

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TriCare Vision

To be the provider of choice for NDIS participants living in Melbourne and surrounding regional areas.

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TriCare Mission

To provide quality, flexible, client-centred care and support to people living with a disability. At TriCare Services, we celebrate people’s differences and we respect their individual choices to achieve their goals.

Our Amazing Team

At TriCare Services, we celebrate people’s differences and we respect their individual choices to achieve their goals.

Our staff bring with them a wealth of knowledge and are able to meet the specific needs of all our clients including those from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

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Our Goals
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Our Guiding Principles
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Empowering Possiblities